Our Business

Making Global Trade Possible

Beyond providing best-in-class port operations and connectivity to shipping lines, PSA Singapore is committed to improving efficiency in the global supply chain and logistics ecosystem. We do so by providing customers with holistic container services and cargo owners with innovative solutions to reduce costs and increase speed.

PSA Cargo Solutions, is a unit in PSA International, formed to develop customised supply chain solutions beyond the port for cargo owners and service providers. Leveraging our global portfolio and connectivity, we strive to help our customers manage supply chains with greater efficiency, agility, resilience, and sustainability.

In Southeast Asia, PSA possess extensive asset capabilities consisting multiple deep-sea, river container and multipurpose terminals, rail-linked bonded container depots as well as agency offices strategically located in Thailand, Indonesia and Vietnam.

We tailor bespoke supply chain solutions powered by smart technologies and digitalization for our customers. These customised solutions include:

  1. A. End-to-end Transportation Solutions
  2. B. Inventory Forward-Hubbing Partnerships
  3. C. Regional Distribution Centre Capabilities
  4. D. Cargo Flow Enhancement Services

A. End-to-end Transportation Solutions

  • Freight Management Services
    • Trade route advisory and optimization services
    • Freight services in collaboration with sea and air carriers
  • Multimodal Services
    • Tailored transportation models to fit your needs
    • International Land-Sea Trade Corridor (ILSTC): Rail-sea logistics connectivity between Western China, Southeast Asia and the rest of the world
  • Jurong Island Terminal (JIT) Barging Services (Singapore)
    • Round-trip barging services between JIT and PSA terminals to support cargo flow to and fro the port and reduce carbon emissions (as compared to inland transportation)

B. Inventory Forward-Hubbing Partnerships

  • Streamline cargo management processes by storing inventory near end-markets in the Asia Pacific region and hubbing cargo in Singapore’s free trade zone
  • Enables higher adaptability towards changing customers’ demands and shorten transit time to desired markets

C. Regional Distribution Centre Capabilities

  • Warehousing and multi-country consolidation cargo management services within Southeast Asia
  • Facilitates a well-connected supply chain flow through the inventory management and container freight services at Keppel Distripark (KD) and PSA’s bonded warehouse in mainland Singapore.

D. Cargo Flow Enhancement Services

  • Priority orchestration of cargo to help shipments arrive at desired locations on time. These services include: Priority Discharge, Top Stowage, Express Delivery, and Fast Management Connection for shipments moving via Singapore

Smart Technologies and Digitalisation

PSA’s supply chain is backed by a network of digital tools that create a seamless experience for the value chains of our customers.

  • CALISTA™: a global supply chain platform that enables the orchestration of key physical, compliance and financial activities of trade flows on a digital eco-system.
  • Control Tower Functionalities: an integrated platform offering customers end-to-end control and visibility of their supply chains, via CALISTA™.

For more information on our PSA Cargo Solutions, click here.