Application For PSA Passes
The application for the PSA Temporary Pass /PSA Pass is subject to the terms and conditions set out in the PSA Pass Conditions, Safety and Security Rules as appended to this application form and any other terms and conditions as may be implemented by PSA from time to time. Such an application is the ‘Application’ referred to in the PSA Pass Conditions.
Application of PSA Temporary Pass, Temporary Vehicle Permit, Permanent Pass, Permanent Vehicle Entry Permit is now online. We are not accepting any hard copy application with effect from 02 September 2024 otherwise required.
Please visit the iPass online portal at Https://ipass.portnet.com/login/ to access the iPass Portal.
Modes of payment are NETS/Cash Card and Paynow only. All fees are subjected to GST of 9%, effective from 1st January 2024.
To apply for the PSA Temporary Pass /PSA Pass, please complete this application form and submit it together with the following documents:
PSA Temporary Pass
A letter by the Applicant’s Employer/Sponsor on such Employer’s/Sponsor’s letterhead and addressed to ‘The Officer-in-Charge of PSA Pass Centre’, stating the following:
- The Applicant’s name;
- The Applicant’s masked NRIC number (for Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident) FIN or Passport number (for foreigner);
- The Applicant’s Work Permit number or Employment Pass number (if applicable);
- The date and time of requested entry into PSA’s Restricted Areas;
- The location within PSA’s Restricted Areas the Applicant is seeking access to;
- The purpose for which the Applicant is seeking entry into PSA’s Restricted Areas.
To apply for temporary pass, please visit https://ipass.portnet.com/login/ and sign up an individual account using your Singapore registered mobile phone number. You can apply up for 10 different individuals using 1 account.
Please note that you are not allowed to apply temporary passes for individuals who is not in the same company.
The fees payable for the application of each PSA Temporary Pass are as follows:
* All fees are subjected to 9% GST and non-refundable irrespective of the outcome of the Application.
Validity period | Processing fee |
For one day | S$5.00 |
For more than one day (maximum 2 weeks) |
S$10.00 |
PSA Pass
For the application of the PSA Pass, the following are required:
- A copy of the Applicant’s NRIC (for Singapore Citizen and Permanent Resident) or Passport (for foreigner);
- A copy of the Applicant’s Work Permit or Employment Pass (if applicable);
- Where required by PSA, a letter by the Applicant’s Employer, Sponsor or relevant person confirming its sponsorship of the Applicant’s application for the PSA Pass for the purpose as stated in this application form and undertaking to ensure that the Applicant complies with the PSA Pass Conditions, the PSA Safety Rules, the PSA Security Rules and any other terms and conditions as may be implemented by PSA from time to time (singly and jointly referred to as the “Requisite Documents”);
To apply for Permanent Pass, please visit https://ipass.portnet.com/login/ and sign up for a company account. You are required to enter your PSA license number and the first OTP will be sent to your license registered email address. For subsequent login, the OTP will be sent to the account registered Singapore registered mobile phone number.
Company account is allowed to apply for temporary and permanent passes and vehicle entry permits.
Please note that the application of permanent pass might take up to 14 days for processing. Do apply your passes early to avoid unnecessary waiting time.
The fees payable for the application of each PSA Pass are as follows:
Validity period | Processing fee | Pass Fee | Total Fee |
1 year (12 months) or part thereof | S$15.00 | S$10.00 | S$25.00 |
3 years (36 months) or part thereof | S$15.00 | S$20.00 | S$35.00 |
* All fees are subjected to 9% GST and non-refundable irrespective of the outcome of the Application.
The duly completed application form, together with the Requisite Documents and the cheque for the correct amount of fees, is to be submitted either personally or by post to the following address:
PSA Pass Centre
No. 7B Keppel Road
Tanjong Pagar Complex
Singapore 089055
The PSA Pass Centre is open between 8.00am and 5.00pm from Monday to Friday only and is closed on Public Holidays. The last queue number will be issued at 4.30pm for any application and collection.
The Pass Centre will be closed at 12.00 noon on the eve of the New Year, Lunar New Year and Christmas Day.
Tel No: 6321 1809 / 6321 1832
Email: [email protected]
PSA reserves the right to decline an application without giving any reason.
For pass collection, please note that applicant are required to come personally to PSA Pass Centre on the date of collection to have your fingerprints / photo enrol onto the PSA Pass.
Please be reminded to print and read the PSA Pass Conditions, Safety and Security Rules carefully.
Application Forms, Permits & FAQs
- Combined PSA Temporary Pass/Temporary Vehicle Permit Application
- Temporary Pass Sponsor Letter Template
- PSA Pass Application & Renewal Form
- PSA Car Entry Permit (“PSA CEP”) (Type D / E / F) / PSA Commercial Vehicle Entry Permit (“PSA CVEP”)
- PSA Licence
- PSA Medical Exam Form - Lashing
- PSA Medical Exam Form - Manual Works
- Application for Contractor's Permit for work within PSA Permises
- Frequently Asked Questions
- How to Apply